Friday, April 24, 2015

Sufficient Wisdom

My journey through life has pulled me through the debates of short-term mission trips- Are they working? Are they not? I have read, researched, and racked my brain, searching for revelations and solutions that ease my anxieties. So, weeks before Guatemala I prayed for wisdom concerning short-term trips. My naïve prayer for wisdom was rooted in a fear that my journey to Guatemala would be found worthless.

One early morning in Guatemala, while sipping on coffee, I stumbled across this verse:

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding.” –Psalm 111:10

The words jumped off the page and shook me. The fear of the LORD. Deeply rooted wisdom is not found in books or in schooling, but in fear that we have for our God.

But, what does that look like in a moment-to-moment basis? I had no clue. If I was home, I would Google “What does it look like to Fear the Lord?” and read through other people’s words and thoughts. But, being that we were deep in the jungles of Guatemala, far from a Wi-Fi connection, I was left to ponder the thought on my own.

The question played over and over in my mind: “What does it mean to Fear the LORD?”

That particular day I was signed up for kid-duty, which meant occupying hoards of children, away from our clinics. Normally, I love playing with children, but that day, I wanted to be in the clinic, working alongside nurses and doctors, not playing endless rounds of duck-duck-goose. I mean, after all, what would I learn out here when I could be in there?

We played chalk, sang songs, and played running games with the children before they decided that we would walk down the road. We walked hand-in-hand with children through a land that God has so lavishly designed. My Spirit seemed to sigh a breath of release, for as we were walking, I was overwhelmed. This is the Fear of the LORD. The Fear of the LORD is living a life with God-given-richness, and attributing each and every blessing back to the one who bestowed them upon us in the first place.

My Fear of the LORD manifested itself not in the profound thoughts of theologians, but found me holding the hands of His children, walking through a world He created, on a day that He made, with a Spirit of joy and peace that He so graciously gave me.

Our church recently finished a series on the Word of God. One of my favorite nuggets of wisdom I heard was “What cannot be known perfectly can be known sufficiently.” I may not ever know all of the answers to what part mission trips play in our spiritual lives or in the kingdom work. But, I can know it sufficiently. I know that as I approach every moment of my life with the Fear of the Lord, I may be satisfied. And for that I am thankful. 

Have you ever seen something so beautiful?? And the pictures can't even do it justice. 

Some of my precious friends from the week!
We traveled to the other village via standing in the back of a truck. So. much. fun.
No words. 

The other village that we drove to with a breathtaking view.  

We gave LOTS of kids fluoride treatments!! 

Our entire team... (I have no idea what I was thinking...)

Learning how to make tortillas with our wonderful cook- Cata!! 

Bonding time while washing dishes!

Always holding hands! Yay!

Learned a lot about dentistry! I think I'll stick to nursing...

I was in Dr. Sherman's class- "Medical Missions" and decided that I had to go to Guatemala with him and his wife. They taught me so much within the span of one week! 
I've found my calling- Bubble Coordinator... it's literally a line to blow bubbles.  

Thankful for these friends!!

Our beautiful hotel in Antigua!
On our day off in Antigua- we hiked a volcano and got to roast marshmallows at the top!

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